Tuesday, December 28, 2010


Wow I can't believe how fast ten months can go by!! It feels like just yesterday that I posted Connor's ultrasound pictures and now my baby is five months old. There has been so much that have happened in the last ten months and I cannot wait to share everything with you ladies!! Hmm...where to start?? Well, sometime in March (or maybe April, I really can't remember) we found out that my stepmom's breast cancer had returned ( read here for the story of the first time she had it). I was devastated because she was suppose to be the person that came to Florida to be with me when the baby was born (J was deployed and he didn't get back until Connor was two months old) and there was a chance she wasn't going to be able to come. After finding out this news and much deliberation with my parents and my mother in law, I decided that when I went back to Texas for my baby sister's graduation I was just going to stay there and have the baby back home so I wasn't alone (which really would have sucked because I live forty five minutes away from the navy hospital). So one of my sisters flew to Florida to help me drive to Texas (by this time I'm just shy of 32 weeks and my dad didn't want me to try and make a NINETEEN hour drive by myself). On the day that I was suppose to pick her up from the airport my car started acting up and come to find out that there's a chance the engine will seize up if we try and drive it all the way to Texas, so we had to rent a car!! Being back in Texas was great though. I got to spend a lot of time with my niece (who is now two) and my family. It really sucked not having a car, but my baby sister drove me wherever I needed to go (including ALL of my doctor's appointments). We joked around that she was the stand in husband since J wasn't there. My parents drove me back home Labor Day weekend and a few weeks later J's ship came home!! A few days later we bought a new car (whoot whoot!!) and made the drive back to Texas to take his mom home, get our dogs and so everyone could see him. It has been awesome being our own little family. J deploys again in August or September, which is gonna suck, but he'll be here for Connor's birthday and he's seeing all of Connor's first holidays so I'm pretty excited about that.

Well ladies I have a lot more stuff to update about, so I'm gonna split all the new info up into several blogs. Stay tuned for Connor's birth day and months 1-5 (pictures included!!)

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