Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Unwanted Guests

You know how you always hear that everything is bigger in Texas?? Ha!! They lie.

I went to go brush my teeth tonight and I found a cockroach about 1 1/2 inches long just sitting in my sink!! And me being hating bugs the way I do freaked out...

Let me explain something first before I continue. About a month ago I had some friends staying with me for a day. I went into the laundry room (which is a fairly large closet in my guest bathroom) to get some fresh sheets and I found a spider that was the size of golf ball circumference (that was legs included) in my sink. I freaked and got a flip flop and killed it, but that wasn't until after all the screaming!!

But these stupid bugs in Florida are huge!! We use to have a lot of bugs in Texas but they were never this big. And the bugs in Florida seem to like the sinks because I never find them anywhere else in my apartment.

So I Drainoed the sucker and shut all the drains in my sinks to make sure I didn't run into anymore unwanted guests in my bathroom sinks!!


Anonymous said...

Feet freak me out more than bugs do!

proudnavywife1027 said...

Lol feet freak my sister out too. She cries if you stick your feet anywhere near her...