Thursday, May 14, 2009

Light at the End of the Tunnel

You know I've done a lot of thinking about the whole TTC situation and here's what I've come up with. With military health insurance they do not cover ART procedures. They only cover fertility drugs (only for use with natural methods of conceiving) and any testing to figure out cause of infertility. My theory is, there is a chance that even when you go through fertility treatments there is still a chance you end up with no baby in the end. Because of this fact we have decided that instead of spending our money on something that may not work, if we cannot get pregnant with fertility drugs or on our own we are adopting. At least I will know that our efforts will end in with a child that way.

So since I wanted to be a mom by 25, if I'm not pregnant we will start the adoption process if we're not pregnant by the time I turn 25. I thought giving up on IUIs and IVFs would make me sad, but knowing there is eventually light at the end of the tunnel puts me at ease. It makes trying easier because I know if it doesn't work I will have a baby eventually.

My step mom told me when I found out it would be hard to conceive that maybe I was meant to be one of those people who is meant to be a mom to a child that wouldn't otherwise have one. That statement at the time pissed me off, but now I find truth in it, and even better I find comfort in it.

So that is our current plan (I did talk to J about what I thought and he agreed), so we'll see what happens next.


To A T said...

Congrats on coming up with a plan! :) But ugh about the insurance! We are on military too and it pretty much SUCKS for IF stuff. They do pay for shots though if you are still "naturally" trying so that helps a bit :)

PS- I love the new look of you blog and the pic of you and hubby is TOO CUTE! :)

Mama Bear said...

Being able to see a light at the end of the tunnel helps tremendously! Best of everything to you. :)