Sunday, November 16, 2008

All the Little Bits Running Around in my Head

So I finally got the email I was waiting for. It was another really short one (two sentences this time), but I think it will be enough to get me through the next few days (or week depending on when I get the next one). He told me he loved me and that's all I needed to hear.

Everyone keeps asking me what I plan on doing for Thanksgiving? Well, it's too far to go home just for the weekend (19 hours) all of my friends are going home, so I will be here by myself. I'm ok with that really, since I'm going to be miserable without Justin wherever I go. But I've decided that even though I'm by myself my Thanksgiving can be special too. So I'm going to get a turkey breast and make a few of my favorite sides and have Thanksgiving by myself.

My cousin called this morning and told me that she wanted to come to Florida and visit. We looked at plane tickets online today and we found something fairly cheap, so I think she's going to come. I'm excited because that means she'll be bringing her baby boy and for a week there will be a baby in my house. So now I have something to look forward to sooner than Justin coming home. My time keeps getting broken down and I like that. So now it's Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's with the family, cousin coming in January, my birthday in February (which I am doing something special for myself!!), Valerie's anniversary in March (we went out for mine and so we will go out for hers to) and then JUSTIN COMES HOME IN APRIL!!! Yeay so there's something exciting to do every month for the next five months

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yay! It's good that you have these little milemarkers to look forward to until DH comes home! :)