Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Another Baby in the Family

So, this morning my cousin set me a text message. At first I was confused and I thought it was one of those stupid messages people think are cute and forward to everyone they know. I reread it later on in the day and realized this wasn't the case, so I texted her back and this was our following conversation.

Cousin: (initial text message) I have to tell you something but you can't tell anyone well maybe your mom but that would be it

Me: So what did you have to tell me?

Cousin: You have to promise not to get mad at me because everyone else is mad at me

Me: I promise I won't get me

Cousin: Well I have an ultrasound to see how far pregnant I am

Me: I knew that's what you were going to tell me. Is it (insert baby's father's name)? How mad is your mom?

Cousin: of course it is (insert name again). My mom said do you even know who the father is and I hung up on her and haven't spoken to her and she's not talkin to me

So I told her I wouldn't get mad so I'm not mad. Instead I'm frustrated, disappointed, even upset, but not mad. This cousin already has a baby. His name is Kameron and he's only like eight or nine months old. She is a single mother, works part time and is on welfare. The father of her baby is also Kameron's father and he's no good. My cousin has kicked him out of her apartment several times, including a few weeks ago. And it's not that she's a horrible mother and doesn't deserve another baby, because she's a wonderful mom. But, I think that she's having a hard time making sure that she and her first baby are surviving, and I don't think that she can handle the burden of having two children right now. So I called my mom and told her and my mom was mad enough for the both of us. She thinks that my cousin is irresponsible (which I agree seeing as both babies were oops babies and I honestly think that she wasn't really trying to prevent). She's also mad because my aunt dropped the bomb of the last baby at Thanksgiving last year. My family was very upset because my cousin was not a position the first time to have a baby and she got pregnant outside of wedlock. So, she thinks that this Thanksgiving is going to be a repeat of last year. And then I can't get it out of the back of my mind, why can't it be that easy for me to get pregnant? I know why and I know it's going to be a feat to have a baby which will make our child all the more special, but I still can't think each time someone else around me gets pregnant (especially on accident) why isn't it my turn this time?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

*sigh* that's how it always works. Everyone else is always having oops babies and we're the ones who can't get knocked up.